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Voluntary Social Security Schemes: Community Health Fund in Tanzania.

At this seminar, PhD researcher Adeline Ajuaye from HIVA-KULEUVEN will illustrate the way in which informal workers contribute to Voluntary Social Security Schemes by discussing the example of the Community Health Fund in Tanzania.
When Dec 05, 2017
from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Where HIVA-KULEUVEN - conference room. Parkstraat 47; 3000 Leuven.
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During this doctoral seminar, PhD researcher Adeline Ajuaye from HIVA-KULEUVEN will present the results from a scoping study on social security options for informal workers in Tanzania. This study was carried out in the context of the second phase of the BeFind research (2017-2018). Based on interviews with high level stakeholders in the area of social protection in Tanzania as well as informal workers, the study explored existing contributory social security schemes targeting workers from the informal sector.  The study revealed that despite vigorous advertisement through different channels including media, religious institutions and door to door campaigns, recruitment and sustaining contibutions from members remains a challenge. A proposal for further research into mechanisms that can assist policy makers in developing a more sustainable social security model for the informal workers will also be presented during the seminar.