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Overzicht HIVA Studies Sociale Bescherming

At the closing seminar organised by 11.11.11 on social protection Sarah Vaes (HIVA, BeFinD) presented an overview of the research findings from HIVA-studies on 1) the affordability of social protection in developing countries; 2) the role of cicil society in building social protection systems and 3) redistribution and social protection.
When Dec 13, 2016
from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Where Rijksdienst voor Sociale Zekerheid, Brussels
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For the past two years, 20 civil society organisations jointly campaigned for Universal Social protection. On 13 December 2016 they held a closing seminar titled 'social protection for all (only in Dutch)', organized by 11.11.11 in cooperation with DGD, FOD Social Security and BTC to reflect on the current state of affairs and the ways forward. The seminar included contributions from Bogdan Vanden Berghe (11.11.11), Arnaud Zacharie (CNCD), Valerie Schmidt (IAO), members from parliament Els Van Hoof, Dirk Vander Maelen en Benoit Hellings, Sarah Vaes (HIVA) and experts from NGOs, trade unions, mutual health organisations, BTC, and FOD Social Security.

The morning session focused on important findings from academic research, the challenges at international level and the potential contribution Belgium can make. Sarah Vaes (HIVA- KU Leuven) presented an overview of the research findings from HIVA-studies on 1) the affordability of social protection in developing countries; 2) the role of cicil society in building social protection systems and 3) redistribution and social protection.  In the afternoon different country case studies were discussed. In the DRC, Indonesia and Peru partners of the Belgian development cooperation are working on strengthening social protection.