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For more than 15 years HIVA has built up research and evaluation experience on development cooperation and sustainable development, in areas such as social protection, emerging donors, the role of private sector in development, social economy, green taxation, and global public goods. It has published reference works on the Belgian and international aid landscape, such as the books ‘De Belgische Ontwikkelingssamenwerking’ (2009), and the ‘How Do We Help? The Free Market of Development Aid’ (2012). HIVA has taken-up roles in policy support, and evaluation and research work for the Belgian bilateral channel and multilateral institutions (OECD-DAC, ILO, EU). It currently coordinates a policy research centre on transitions in sustainability, and participates in a policy centre on the role of the BICS in development. It has also built-up systematic research capacity on the role of old and new non-state actors in development. HIVA coordinated the previous VLIR-UOS research platform on public support for development (PULSE).