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Official Development Assistance
Publication in 2017:
- Huib Huyse "Training abroad and technological capacity building: analysing the role of Chinese training and scholarship programmes for Tanzanians", International Journal of Educational Development, Vol 57, p11-20, November 2017 (with Hezron Makundi, Patrick Develtere, Benedict Mongula and Lettice Rutashobya).
- Margherita Calderone "Are there different spillover effects from cash transfers to men and women? Impacts on investments in education in post-war Uganda", WIDER Working Paper, No. 2017/93. Media coverage at World Bank Impact blog
- Dennis Essers "The IMF and precautionary lending: an empirical evaluation of the selectivity and effectiveness of the Flexible Credit Line", National Bank of Belgium Working Paper, No. 323.
Publication in 2015:
- Dennis Essers, “The final deathblow to development planning: a comparative book review”, European Journal of development research, 27(2015) p188-190 (together with Bert Jacobs)
- Robrecht Renard "The quest for aid complementarity, co-operation between Nordic+donors and NGOs", Development Policy Review (together with Nadia Molenaers and Anna Gagiano)
- Jean-Philippe Platteau "The hard challenge of aid coordination", World Development 69: 86-97 (together with François Bourguignon)
- Jean-Philippe Platteau "Does aid availability affect effectiveness in reducing poverty? A Review Article", World Development, in press (together with François Bourguignon)
- Jean-Philippe Platteau: "A new approach to the role of development aid for poverty reduction: trading-off needs against governance", BeFinD Policy Brief 2, April 2015.
Publications in 2014: