Global Public Goods
This Work Package looks at environmental commons, more specifically climate change and corresponding challenges for development financing.
The Work Package is subdivided in three sub-packages:
- PG1 will map the existing instruments that have been crafted by public actors (Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Other Official Flows (OOF)) at the global level, EU and Belgian levels.
- Involved research institutes: HIVA
- Involved researchers: Kris Bachus, Sander Happaerts and Sarah Van Eynde
- PG2 then turns to a similar mapping of three types of financing of global public goods: (1) bi-lateral partnerships with a financial component (link ODA and global public goods) (2) private initia-tives, (3) public-private (PPP) initiatives and (4) network initiatives.
- Involved research institutes: GGS
- Involved researchers: Axel Marx, Nicolas Hachez, Kolja Raube and Jan Wouters
- PG3 turns to the 2015 climate agenda and consists of technical support for Belgian participation to international climate governance bodies, such as the Green Climate Fund, where Belgium will be in the board starting from the end of 2014.
- Involved research institutes: HIVA
- Involved researchers: Kris Bachus, Sander Happaerts and Sarah Van Eynde