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The Changing Face of Rwandan Public Debt, GDI

Presentation of the working paper on Rwandan public debt at the Workshop "Rwanda: A developmental state and/or donor darling?" by Dr. Dennis Essers (BeFinD, IOB, UAntwerpen).
When Oct 07, 2016
from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Where German Development Institute, Bonn
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Dennis Essers presented the findings of the working paper: "The changing face of Rwanda's public debt" on a workshop "Rwanda: A developmental state and/or donor darling?" at the German Development Institute (DIE). 

In 2005-2006 Rwanda benefitted from massive external debt cancellation by the international community under the enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) and Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). As a result, the country’s public debt sustainability was effectively restored and the Rwandan government was given a clean slate, on which a new, hopefully more successful debt policy could be written. The presentation reviewed how Rwandan public debt has evolved in the aftermath of debt relief and which priorities were put forward in the debt policy of the Rwandan government.