Past Events
Workshop on debt management
Workshop given by Prof. Danny Cassimon (BeFinD, IOB, UAntwerpen) on debt management.
Second BeFinD Workshop on Financing for Development
At this workshop, the members of BeFinD presented their findings of the second year.
Illicit financial flows: concepts and first macro estimates for Belgium and its 18 preferred partner countries
Seminar given by Prof. Jef Pacolet (BeFinD, HIVA, KULeuven) on the BeFinD Working Paper "Illicit financial flows: concepts and first macro estimates for Belgium and its 18 preferred partner countries".
Typologies for understanding private sector engagement in development cooperation
OECD-DAC Peer Learning Event on Innovative Instruments for working with and through the private sector in development co-operation.
Challenges and opportunities facing populations living around the lacs in Southern Benin
The Centre of Research in the Economics of Development (CRED, UNamur), the Institute of Development Policy and Management (IOB, UAntwerp), the Laboratory of Applied Ecology (LEA, University of Abomey Calavi) and the Laboratoire d'Hydrobiologie et d'Aquaculture (LHA, University of Abomey Calavi) organise a joint workshop in Benin on 16 December 2015. At this workshop researchers from European and Beninese universities will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the population living around the lacs in Southern Benin.