Past Events
Overzicht HIVA Studies Sociale Bescherming
At the closing seminar organised by 11.11.11 on social protection Sarah Vaes (HIVA, BeFinD) presented an overview of the research findings from HIVA-studies on 1) the affordability of social protection in developing countries; 2) the role of cicil society in building social protection systems and 3) redistribution and social protection.
The Changing Face of Rwandan Public Debt, GDF
Presentation of the working paper on Rwandan public debt at the Global Development Finance Conference by Prof. Danny Cassimon (BeFinD, IOB, UAntwerpen).
The Changing Face of Rwandan Public Debt, GDI
Presentation of the working paper on Rwandan public debt at the Workshop "Rwanda: A developmental state and/or donor darling?" by Dr. Dennis Essers (BeFinD, IOB, UAntwerpen).
System variation - conceptual variation of social protection systems
Jan Van Ongevalle and Sarah Vaes (HIVA, BeFinD) both presented preliminary research findings of their ongoing studies on social protection in the paper session on “system variation – conceptual variation of social protection systems”.
Business Talk on Rwandan debt
Business talk for the Belgian business community in Kigali, given by Prof. Danny Cassimon (BeFinD, IOB, UAntwerpen).