Past Events
Mobilisation des Ressources Domestiques au Bénin (Dissemination Seminar in Cotonou).
A ce ACROPOLIS-BeFinD Dissemination Seminar, Prof. Romain Houssa du CRED, UNamur, présentait la recherche sur la mobilisation des ressources domestiques au Bénin: rôles des institutions et de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée.
Supporting redistributive social protection in partner countries.
During this restitution seminar researchers from HIVA-KULEUVEN will discuss the potential mechanisms for the Belgian development cooperation to support redistributive social protection in its partner countries.
Government finances and financial shocks in developing countries (PhD thesis)
PhD Defence of Kelbesa Megersa.
Domestic Resource Mobilization in Belgian Partner Countries (Seminar in Ouagadougou)
Presentation of the work done on domestic resource mobilization during the Acropolis project BeFinD. Presented by Prof. Romain Houssa and Roukiatou Nikiema.
Mirror Conference: Illicit financial flows and underground economy in developing and developed countries
Conference organised by the Research Institute for Work and Society (HIVA) of the Catholic University of Leuven for and in collaboration with the BeFinD project supported by VLIR-UOS, ARES-CCD and the Belgian Development Cooperation.