Past Events
Evaluating the additionality of a Belgian Development Program
Presentation of the evaluation of BTC support to agricultural entrepreneurs in Benin set up by BeFinD. Presented by Prof. Romain Houssa (BeFinD, CRED, Université de Namur).
ACROPOLIS workshop
The ACademic Research Organisations for POLIcy Support (Acropolis) for the Belgian Development Cooperation organise a joint workshop on "Tackling climate, fragility & finance challenges for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development".
Domestic Resource Mobilization in Partner Countries: the role of institutions and the VAT
Presentation of the work done on domestic resource mobilization during the Acropolis project. Presented by Prof. Romain Houssa and Kelbesa Megersa (BeFinD, CRED, Université de Namur).
Social protection, redistribution and development cooperation: piecing the puzzle together
What does redistribution mean in social protection? How do political dynamics determine the redistributive potential of social protection? How high are these issues on the agendas of policy makers, civil society and international donors pushing for social protection in developing countries? These questions, at the heart of BeFinD research on social protection, were addressed at this executive seminar.
The changing face of African public debt, DGD
Presentation of the work done on public debt during the Acropolis project. Presented by Prof. Danny Cassimon, dr. Dennis Essers and Karel Verbeke (BeFinD, IOB, UAntwerpen).