Past Events
Special Issue Conference: Financing for Development
At this international conference researchers will present their work on the recent developments on issues related to the general topic of “Financing for Development”, including Aid Effectiveness, Domestic Resources Mobilization and Private Sector Financing
Contributory social protection for the informal economy: Insights from Community-Based Health Insurance (CBHI) in Senegal and Tanzania
HIVA (together with DGD) organized a workshop on "Contributory social protection for the informal economy" on November 28, 2018. The aim was to discuss the findings of HIVA's research. The workshop attracted participants from the government and civil society.
Dissemination Seminar on “The Welfare effect of VAT Reforms in Burkina Faso”
BeFinD organized a seminar on 18 October 2018, at Pacific Hotel in Ouagadougou and presented by Prof. Romain Houssa
Voluntary Social Security Schemes: Community Health Fund in Tanzania.
At this seminar, PhD researcher Adeline Ajuaye from HIVA-KULEUVEN will illustrate the way in which informal workers contribute to Voluntary Social Security Schemes by discussing the example of the Community Health Fund in Tanzania.
Domestic resource mobilization and economic development (Research seminar at ASE, Abomey-Calavi/Benin)
Academic Research Seminar at the African School of Economics, Abomey-Calavi, by Prof. Romain Houssa of CRED, UNamur. He presented research findings of the research on domestic resource mobilization and economic development: VAT and institutional quality.